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News & Events


Independence at Home ensures ‘Filip’s journey to come back home’

July 24, 2024

Our thanks once again this month to Independence at Home, who’s £600 grant towards a new boiler system at Filip’s house will ensure a homecoming from hospital for 7-year-old Filip.

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Florence Nightingale Aid In Sickness Trust gives ‘Aurora's Big Build’ a boost

July 24, 2024

Our sincere thanks to Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust for their recent generous donation of funds towards ‘Aurora's Big Build’.

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Double support from Independence at Home

July 16, 2024

We are delighted to have  received funds this month from Independence at Home for two of the recent projects being supported by Sullivan’s Heroes.

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Arco Clothing Centre Preston speeds up ‘Filip’s journey to come back home’

July 10, 2024

Thank you so much to all the employees at Arco Clothing Centre Preston for the recent £1,435.02 generously raised towards ‘Filip’s journey to come back home’ adaptations project – in...

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North Pole reached!

July 10, 2024

Sending our congratulations and sincere thanks to the teams at Amber Living and Grumitt Wade Mason, who have successfully completed their ‘Cycle to the North Pole’ challenge.

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A summer of builds

June 7, 2024

As we turn the corner to summer months, so too do many of the home adaptation projects underway with Sullivan’s Heroes.

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