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Author projects

Gareth Birkett

William has a very rare condition which means he has very limited mobility, unable to walk or even sit unaided with little use of his hands. He has to be fed through a gastrostomy tube and he is none verbal and faces daily seizures.

Through all this William manages to show us his incredible character and personality in any way that he can. Those moments are priceless to us as a family. He is getting bigger all the time and we now struggle to move him about without hoisting and especially with the stairs and washing. We need large adaptations to his home so we can live and care for him in a safe and comfortable environment for hopefully many years to come.

William loves to be outside and makes this known by singing a unique mix of squeals and squarks and occasional clicks from his tongue. We try to get him out for walks (and runs although he is getting very big on the hills) and let him experience as much rich sensory world that outside space has to offer. He has a little sister who plays with him and is slowly understanding how William is different and what that means which is great for them both (most of the time).