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The latest updates from Sullivan's Heroes

We are delighted to report we are now supporting seven children, whose families are fundraising towards their home disability adaptations, with more in the pipeline.

BannerPhoto1The Gee family have already reached a third of the way towards their £45,000 target required to ‘Build Noah a Bedroom’, which is great news.

Ongoing funds have also been generously raised via recent events with Katie Murphy’s Endure24 run raising a fantastic £670 with the support of friends, family and colleagues – plus Katie’s employer Tegen IT Solutions generously Match Funded the sponsorship raised.

Thank you to all our sponsors who have recently donated us promotional items of T-shirts, banners and flyersSHJewelleryPress2 for events and activities.

Sullivan’s Heroes is looking forward to its forthcoming Jewellery Sale, at the local Turners Hill Village Fete on 17th July. We will be selling a huge range of costume jewellery, plus cuddly toys and gifts, all of which have been generously donated by Scorpio Worldwide from their ex-duty free stock. Come along to grab yourself a beautiful bargain or few!

Please do get in touch if you have any fundraising events, activities and ideas you’d like to share with us; or if you would like to apply for a grant or to fundraise through Sullivan’s Heroes.

Thank you for your ongoing support, it is greatly appreciated.