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Season's Greetings from Sullivan's Heroes

Launching Sullivan’s Heroes this year made us excited,

And helping disabled children made us even more delighted;

To see so many families going through what we had,

Being able to support them made us truly glad.


To ease some burden on disabled children,

And parents and carers alike;

By creating a home that is more fitting,

For a safer and healthier home life.


As the next year beckons, and starts anew,

So this much needed work will continue;

To aid the funding of adapted spaces,

And put a smile on children’s faces.


So, we thank all those who’ve been our rocks,

And helped us along the way;

Your support and aid means such a lot,

And makes a difference every day.


And to all you ‘heroes’, near and afar,

Who face daily challenges head on;

Keep up the good work as you are,

You are mighty brave and incredibly strong.


So now, as Christmas time draws near,

We bid you all festive wishes,

And health and happiness for the new year,

With love, hugs and kisses xxx