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Stewart's Forever Home

Fife - Scotland

Stewart has Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, which is a severe form of epilepsy. Due to this he lost most of his skills and abilities when he was 2 years old. As Stewart continues to deteriorate we need to adapt our home to give Stewart a bedroom and bathroom downstairs, with facilities for hoisting.

This would allow us to keep Stewart at home with us, whilst ensuring all his needs are met. Stewart would have a better quality of life as he would be able to access all of downstairs in the equipment he needs. These adaptions will allow us to stay together as a family in a happy, settled and safe environment.

An adult must be with Stewart at all times to ensure he is safe when seizures happen, he can fall suddenly and his breathing and heart rate need monitored. At the moment one of us sleeps on the floor next to Stewart's Safe Space so we can hear his breathing and keep him safe. The room has been designed that it would have Stewart's Safe Space and also a single bed enabling us to have a rest whilst keeping him safe.

The downstairs bedroom and bathroom would mean that all his personal care needs could be met without people having to lift him constantly. It would be safe as there wouldn't be a risk with stairs. This is dangerous for us lifting but also for seizures. At the moment we have to lift Stewart to access his bedroom and bathroom. It would be fully equipped so we could meet all his needs safely.

There are also plans for direct access to the garden from the kitchen. The arrangement of the space means Stewart would have access to all of downstairs and we would be able to supervise and support him more easily.

The downstairs would be rearranged to allow for a family dining space, big enough for Stewart’s equipment.

Stewart is full of fun and loves anything bright that moves fast! He loves lights, music and Hey Duggee. Stewart loves to be around people and gives lots of loving cuddles.
How much do we need to raise?

This figure comes from the remaining costs after deducting the council grant (£20,000).

How long will the project take to complete? 

The project is due to start in the summer and will take 12 weeks to complete.

No information.

Fundraising target

Project by
Gemma Lynch
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