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Filip’s journey to come back home


Hello everyone, our names are Oliwia and Maciek. We are parents of two amazing children, Filip who is 6 years old boy and Victoria 2 years old girl.

We had a very very hard year behind us. Our worst nightmare came true last year when our little boy was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Just 4 days after admitting us to the Royal Manchester Children Hospital he had a surgery to remove that tumour. The surgery went well but unfortunately next day Filip suffered from a stroke and he had second surgery.

When after a few days he had a MRI scan, first thing that doctors told us was that our boy is gone and he will never be able to take a single breath by himself and he will require life support machine forever. It was devastating news for us. Our perfect life was crushed into a million pieces but we didn't give up. It was so hard to just let him go, so we made a decision to fight, to fight with our voices for our son.

After a few months Filip start breathing, he started slowly because he took only 4 breaths in a day. But then he start breathing more and more everyday, he started being stronger and better. We finally started to see his cheeky smile again.

But the stroke hade a massive impact on his life. He is currently in a wheelchair, doing amazing job at his physio therapy sessions and trying his best every day.

He had 6 weeks of radiotherapy. And we have one more chemotherapy to do left from his 12 cycles. He will finish his treatment at the end of October 2023 but we can't go home as it is not safe and suitable for Filip now.

His bed is currently in our living room, where he sleeps if we go home for a weekend, but this is not the place for a 6 year old boy who wants to have his personal space where he can rest and watch his favourite programmes and do his exercises. We do not have a suitable bathroom for him so we can't wash him at home. We don't have a space for him to spend with his little sister who he adores more than anything else in this world.

That's why we need to do extension that will be Filip's room and a bathroom with special equipment for him to be able to relax and rest. But we do not have enough funds to do that.

It is hard to ask for help but for our big hero like Filip we will do anything, unfortunately our financial situation is bad that's why we need help with raising enough funds to start the project. We have a building project in place, we have a planning permission and we could start the building any time but we can not book the contractors if we do not have all the funds in place.

Please help us come back home after 14 months which Filip has spent in the hospital, we just want our children to have a safe and suitable home.

We need help to be able to bring our son back home from the hospital after 14 months. Our house now is not suitable for his needs. He is a wheelchair user and he requires 24/7 care. His bed is currently in a living room and we do not have a wet room to wash him and provide him his own personal space.

We need to build an extension which will be Filip's room and a wet room with specialist equipment and a celling hoist for his safely moving. We can not come back home if we are not going to have a safe place for him.
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Project by
Oliwia Kopecki
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