Caleb’s Home Adaptations

Currently downstairs we have a living room, Kitchen diner and an entrance hall. The stairs lead to the bedrooms and family bathroom. Caleb is now struggling to manoeuvre around the ground floor as the doors are not wide enough and there is an increasing amount of equipment. He has no privacy for toileting unless we carry him upstairs. This is unsafe now as he is growing all the time.

The building work will include building a wet room in the carport, turning our living room into Caleb's bedroom and then extending the kitchen to create a more accessible kitchen/dining/living space. We will need wider doorways and wheelchair friendly floors and ramp access to the front and rear of the house allowing him to enjoy all aspects of family life.
Caleb is 9 years old. He was born 10 weeks premature and as a result has Cerebral Palsy. He is currently a full time wheelchair user and determined to be as independent as possible.

Caleb often asks to be involved in helping with food preparation. His bedroom is upstairs and so is the bathroom which means we have to carry him up and down stairs. This is becoming more difficult and dangerous as he gets older.

It has become vital that we create a bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor of our house in order to build his confidence and independence to carry out all the self care tasks to his full potential.

Caleb thrives on learning new skills and is very proud of himself. His latest skill is learning to swim. This has given him a real boost and he is desperate to build on this. He needs to have easy access to all the living areas and utilities as the rest of the family as independently as possible in order to prepare him for his teenage years into adulthood.
How much do we have to raise? We need approximately £80,000 to cover all the building and internal work. We have raised £57,000 to date. So we are seeking to raise as much of the remainder as possible through Sullivan's Heroes. How will the work change our lives? Caleb is getting bigger all the time and as a result of the house in it's current state we are having to do a lot of lifting which is impacting on our physical well being. With increased space and a more accessible house, the moving and handling will be less, Caleb's independence will increase and we will be more able to spend time with Caleb's brother who spends a great deal of time waiting for us or helping Caleb get things because he can't reach. How long will the project take? The project has begun and we anticipate that the building work will be completed by the end of October. We then have to complete the wet room and accessible kitchen. So we hope it will be completed by the end of November.
No information.

Fundraising target

Project by
Clare Ayebare
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