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Matthew’s ecstatic with his excellent extension!

We’re as happy at Sullivan’s Heroes as Matthew and his family are with their newly extended home, to meet 9-year-old Matthew’s needs.

The project involved raising £20,000 above the Disabled Facilities Grant awarded to extend and open up the family home – creating new access at the rear of property, including new slabbing and a ramp; extending the current dining room and relocating the kitchen area to allow more space for Matthew and his equipment; building a new accessible wet room plus installing a ceiling track hoist in Matthew’s bedroom.

Matthew’s Mum gives us some insight into the project:

“We were really struggling with the set up at home. We didn’t have a hoist, so we were lifting Matthew for every transfer. We also had to lift his shower chair into a corner bath, then lift him onto that and shower him. We had steps up to our front door, so we were bumping him up and down.”

“He also couldn’t access the kitchen as it was the old outhouse down 2 steps, and very narrow, so there was no turning room for the wheelchair, and Matthew could never fully be part of the family areas of the home and be included.”

Now that the building works have been completed for the project, creating a safe and accessible downstairs space for Matthew, his Mum speaks of the differences this has made:

“It has been completely life changing. We can now care for Matthew in a safe and comfortable way. He is happier and calmer and he clearly feels more secure and relaxed.”

“Matthew is a different boy since we’ve been home. We can all be part of our living space as a family and he feels included and happy. We are less stressed and exhausted which I think he picks up on. Good vibes all round the house now!!”

Matthew’s Mum also enlightens us on the support Sullivan’s Heroes brought to their fundraising journey throughout the project:

“The financial help that we were initially looking for was a huge help for us and it allowed us to go ahead with the project for Matthew, but we also felt incredibly supported and we were able to read about other families who had been through similar experiences and were now enjoying life in their new homes, which gave us hope and motivation to get on with the other fundraising we needed to complete the project.”

“We were able to put Sullivan’s Heroes’ donation towards the overall project, but we were also advised and supported in other areas like how to fundraise ourselves.”

We’re thrilled here at the charity to see Matthew looking so happy in his new space, and equally so to hear these final words from his family on the support Sullivan’s Heroes provides to such adaptation projects:

The benefits to families like ours are huge. They really are life changing.”