Thank you to everyone who joined Sullivan's Heroes at the Crawley Down Village Fayre on Saturday, 3rd September. The sun shone amidst a little rain and a lot of wind – but that didn’t dampen the spirits of the fair-goers, or indeed the flames of the fire-eater!
The large crowd also enjoyed displays including Morris Dancing, Theatre Companies and Taekwon Do, whilst shoppers at the Sullivan’s Heroes stand were delighted to start off their Christmas shopping from the huge jewellery and gift selection on offer.
The ex-duty free stock jewellery, together with cuddly toys, was all generously donated by
Scorpio Worldwide, leading suppliers of Jewellery and Gifts to the Travel Retail Industry.
Thank you to Scorpio Worldwide and also to our other sponsors – Infinity Print & Embroidery, Treetop Print and Design, and Fastsigns Crawley, plus East Grinstead branches of Wickes and Homebase who have most kindly donated all promotional material.
Many thanks to all involved – a fantastic total of £256 was raised towards ongoing grants for home adaptations for disabled children.