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Florence Nightingale Aid In Sickness Trust supports ‘Sophie’s Independence’ project

Our sincere thanks to Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust for their recent generous donation of £1,500 towards ‘Sophie’s Independence’.

The funds will be used towards Sophie’s home disability adaptations project to meet the £25,000 shortfall of the Disabled Facilities Grant awarded for the project, to provide Sophie with a new wheelchair accessible bedroom, wet room and living space to meet her daily care and medical needs in a more manageable and safer way. 

These specific funds will provide Sophie with therapy elements of a height adjustable bath which will not be funded under the Disabled Facilities Grant awarded for the project. 

It shouldn’t be too long before Sophie can enjoy her new bath as building works for Sophie’s adapted space got underway recently – and Sophie has enjoyed checking on progress daily!

Our thanks to all involved with this donation, which is greatly appreciated and will make a positive and lasting difference to Sophie’s life.