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Florence Nightingale Aid In Sickness Trust supports ‘Henry’s Safe Space’

Our thanks to Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust for their recent generous donation of funds towards Henry’s Safe Space.

The funds kindly donated will meet the flooring costs of £2,187.61 to be installed in Henry’s new space. The project involves converting the garage at Henry’s home into a safe space with immediate access from the living area of the house, and this area will contain storage and all of the equipment Henry needs.

Sliding glass doors at the back will provide natural light and direct access to a widened patio area and artificial grass to provide a surface Henry can play on all year round.

Disabled Facilities Grant funding has been awarded through the council, but costs of the works leave a shortfall of £18,056 to meet the project costs – so these funds donated will go a long way towards this target.