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‘Dylan's new bedroom and bathroom’ is a delight!

We’re very excited at Sullivan’s Heroes to bring news of the latest completed project – for soon to be 9-year-old Dylan.

'Dylan's new bedroom and bathroom' project saw Dylan and his family get busy fundraising the £8,000 needed above the Disabled Facilities Grant awarded, to extend Dylan's bedroom and the family bathroom to give him the space that he will need as he gets bigger. The adaptations will give Dylan more space to safely move around the house, and more dignity with personal care. 

Dylan’s Dad gives us some background on the need for the project:

“Dylan’s bedroom was too small to be able to comfortably move him around easily in his wheelchair and the bathroom was very small. We had a small lounge with a separate conservatory on the back which we used as a dining room, however it was cold, damp and not very accessible for a wheelchair or his other chair. We also had a big step at the front door which made it hard to get the wheelchair in.”

The project plans included building a through door directly from Dylan’s bedroom to the bathroom and extend the size of the bathroom so a hi-lo bath could be installed. Dylan was having to be lifted into the bath beforehand, which as he is heavy was causing strain to his parents, as his Dad confirms:

“The new bedroom and bathroom have given us a good space to be able to have a good turning circle for the wheelchair, hoisting from the bedroom to the bathroom via an interconnecting door and a hi-lo bath which has enabled us to be able to be get Dylan in the bath much more easily without damaging our backs".

“The lounge also has tracking so Dylan can be hoisted in and out of his different chairs and also can sit on the sofa with the family. The space is a lovely family space.”

The family had been awarded a £30,000 Disabled Facilities Grant for the building works, but even with putting in all of the family’s savings the funds were still short. Through fundraising via friends, family, colleagues and the local community the family not only reached, but exceeded, their target – allowing to cover some additional costs that had arisen throughout the process of the build. 

With the backing of Sullivan’s Heroes, Dylan’s project received financial support from national organisations. Plus Dylan’s Dad’s employer LV not only organised a team Treasure Hunt fundraising event for staff and suppliers, but also Match Funded the amount raised to boost the funds.

Dylan’s Dad highlights some of the elements of support which Sullivan’s Heroes brought to their fundraising journey throughout the project:

“We gained some of the fundraising support of others that might not have been possible if we were doing it on our own. Sullivan’s Heroes also provided a grant towards some of the costs of the build".

It is a massive benefit having a charity like Sullivan’s Heroes, not only for giving out grants to help with adaptations, but also facilitating further fundraising.”

“Sullivan’s Heroes really helped us achieve our goal – helping us get started and building a JustGiving page; providing a grant and helping companies that wanted to help us be able to pay money into the project.”

We’re delighted the project has already made such a difference to Dylan and will continue to do so, as his Dad concludes:

“Thank you so much for all the help and support provided, I don’t know what we would have done without the support of Sullivan’s Heroes.

It has made life so much easier being able to have the space to care for Dylan – he now has the equipment that he needs and the space that we can comfortably live in as a family.”

View ‘Dylan's new bedroom and bathroom’ fundraising page here.