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Ben Lippiett's London Marathon has doubled!

We are thrilled here at Sullivan’s Heroes that Ben Lippiett will be tackling his first ever marathon to raise funds for the charity… but that marathon has now become two! 

Ben has been training hard all year for the mighty London Marathon 2020.

However, due to social distancing needs, this year’s physical London Marathon has been postponed until next year, when running as a large group will hopefully be more feasible. Ben will therefore bravely continue his training quest to stay marathon ready for this amazing challenge in 2021.

In light of this, a ‘Virtual’ 40th London Marathon is being operated this year, where competitors can still run their marathon distance for their charity, taking part from their home on the 4th October 2020. 

Ever committed to putting his training and sponsor support to date to excellent use, Ben will boldly be running his 26 mile distance in the Clarendon Marathon – an off road, challenging route from Salisbury to Winchester along the ancient Clarendon Way, following country tracks and paths, many of which have not changed since being travelled by the ancient Kings and Queens of England.

We are extremely grateful to Ben for his continued commitment to raise funds for Sullivan’s Heroes – running not just one but TWO marathons now! All monies raised will be used by the charity to provide financial grants for disabled children, requiring home adaptations to meet their care and health requirements, so they can continue to be cared for at home, safely and with dignity.

We wish Ben well in his Double Marathon schedule, and thank all those who have supported Ben and Sullivan’s Heroes. 

To show your support for Ben in this enormous challenge, and raise funds for Sullivan’s Heroes please visit: